Geography Assignment

1. Create a graph showing the following:
·         Depth of the Marianas Trench (deepest point in the oceans) - 10,994 meters
·         Average depth of the Atlantic  Ocean - 3,339 metres
·         Average depth of the Pacific Ocean - 3657 meters
·         Average depth of the Indian Ocean - 3960 meters
·         Average depth of the Arctic Ocean - 3406 meters
·         Deepest point of Lake Ontario - 244 meters
·         Deepest point of Lake Erie - 64 meters
·         Deepest point of Lake Superior - 406 meters
·         Deepest point of Lake Michigan - 281 meters
·         Deepest point of Huron - 229 meters
·         Deepest point of Lake Baikal (deepest lake in the world) - 1642 meters
·         Height of Mount Everest (tallest mountain in the world) - 8,848 meters
·         Height of Mount Logan (tallest mountain in Canada) - 5959 meters
·         Average height of the Rockies - 4401 meters
·         Average height of the Andes - 6962 meters
·         Average height of the Alps - 4801 meters
·         Average height of the Himalayas - 8000 meters
·         Height of Blue Mountain - 452 meters

2. Create an interesting graph that can show the area of the earth taken up by the following forests:
·         Amazon Rainforest 5 500 000 km2
·         Congo Rainforest - 3 700 000 km2
·         Valdivian Rainforest - 248 000km2
·         Daintree Rainforest - 1200 km2
·         Southeast Asian Rainforest - 2 880 000km2
·         Great Bear Rainforest - 64 000km2
·         Russian Taiga - 2 156 900km2
·         Canadian Boreal Forest - 3 000 000km2
4. Locate, neatly, on one of your world maps, all the forests listed above.
5. Create an interesting graph that can show the area of the earth taken up by the following deserts:
·         Sahara
·         Arabian
·         Kalahari
·         Gobi
·         Great Victoria
·         Great Basin Desert
6. Locate, neatly, on one of your world maps, all the deserts listed above.

7. Locate, neatly, on one of your world maps, all items listed in question 1.