Canadian Election Issues

The Issues

The Environment
The NDP and Liberals are looking at plans to help cut the amount of pollution from cars and factories. The plan would involve a fee, or a tax, that any large polluter would have to pay in order to keep polluting. The idea is that companies and people would be compelled to develop clean technologies and new ways of doing things in order to avoid the tax. This could help slow the effects of climate change, and keep the air cleaner. The Conservatives largely believe that Canada is only one of 200 countries around the world, and a country with a very small population. The thinking is that, even if we make an effort to cut pollution, it won't really make a difference overall. It's up to larger countries, the Conservatives believe, like China, India, and the US, to take the lead and make some changes.

Health Care
All parties support spending money on hospitals and doctors. More or less, the Liberals plan to keep spending about the same as it is now, the Conservatives plan to cut some of the spending on health care, but not really all that much. The NDP have a whole different plan. Right now, doctors and hospitals are free to visit, but medicine and drugs cost a lot of money. Someone who is sick might have to pay quite a bit of money for the medicine they need. The NDP plan is that the government will pay for doctors, hospitals, and medicine as well. Drugs and meds should be free, they believe, for anyone who needs it. This would cost quite a bit of money, medicine is expensive, but many people think it's important.

No party is really proposing to spend a great deal of new money on the military. Canada's military is small, but even at that it is very expensive. The NDP and Liberals largely support an army that plays a more peacekeeping and assistance role worldwide. The Conservatives favour a more combat ready military.

Day Care
This is a big issue that divides the parties. Right now school is free from kindergarten to grade 12. Daycare for young kids, before kindergarten, is very expensive. Most parents find a way to make it work. Sometimes grandma takes care of the babies, sometimes mom stays home from work, and sometimes parents pay to send their child to daycare. Sometimes this daycare is just in a friends house, a school classroom, or a church basement. Either way, it costs money. In Toronto, daycare can cost around $80.00 a day. Around Meaford, it probably costs about $20.00 per day, per child.
The NDP think that government should run daycare, just like government runs schools. Under the NDP plan, daycare would be $15.00 a day, for every child, all across the country.

All in all, the Conservatives propose lowering taxes somewhat, the Liberals would largely keep taxes as they are, and the NDP has a plan to raise the taxes somewhat, especially the taxes that companies pay.