Taxes 1

What is a tax?
There are two types of taxes (more or less):
Taxes that people pay and taxes that companies pay.

Of the taxes that people pay, basically there's two main kinds:
Paycheque Tax and Sales Tax

Paycheque Tax
Everyone who has a job pays tax. Any time someone earns money, they need to pay tax. If Amanda earns $100 dollars a week, she probably only gets to keep about $80 of it. The rest goes to the government. The government can then use it for things like _________________, ________________, ________________, and  ________________.

Sales Tax
This one is sometimes called HST. It's the tax that is added to anything you buy. If a chocolate bar costs 80 cents, you're probably going to pay around 95 cents for it. This tax money, the extra 15 cents on that chocolate bar, it doesn't go to the store owner. It goes to the same government.

Company Taxes

A company needs to pay tax on every dollar it earns. If Google makes a million dollars, they need to pay a few hundred thousand in tax. This tax money, again, goes to the same government.