Taxes 2

So.... Where should my taxes go?
Students have to decide three things:
1. Each section has three options. Which option costs the government the most? Which option costs the government the least?
2. Which choice is Canada doing right now?
3. Which choice do YOU think is best? 

There is only so much money to go around, so how should the government spend it?
Let's take a look at five different areas, and you can decide.

Canada should have a large military. It should be able to fight wars anywhere in the world for all kinds of different reasons. Our army should have some advanced ships, planes, trucks, cars, tanks, and weapons.
Canada should only really get involved in wars and battles when Canada is in danger. We should have an army large enough to protect our country, but not to go fight elsewhere.
Canada should not really have a military. Fighting wars should be something Canada tries to avoid at all costs. We should keep a force of soldiers mainly to rescue people in Canada from things like floods, tornadoes, forest fires, and earthquakes.

Hospitals and doctors in Canada should be free for any Canadian to visit anytime, as often as they want to.
Canadians should be able to visit the doctor or hospital as often as they need to, but they should have to pay $50.00 every time, jus to help pay for it all.
The government shouldn't put too much money in to health care. Canadians should pay for doctor and hospital visits. This will cost several hundred dollars each visit.

Every students should pay several thousand dollars to go to school.
Every student should pay $100.00 at the beginning of each year to help pay for the cost of school.
School should be free for everyone. High school, University, and college should be free as well.

Canada should spend a lot of money protecting the environment. We should pay for large nature reserves, we should hire lot of conservation officers to patrol the forests, and we should make a lot of laws to protect the environment.
Canada should not pay very much to protect the environment. We should let people make their own choices to protect the environment if they want to.
Canada should spend some money, but not too much. We should be somewhere in between the other two choices.

Canada should build large prisons, and criminals should spend many years in jail, even for crimes that were not violent.
Canada should spend some money on prisons, but mainly to lock up violent criminals and those who are probably going to commit a crime again.
Canada should not spend very much money on prisons at all, and instead, spend money on programs to help criminals develop the skills they need to get a job. People who commit crimes should be helped, not locked up.