Tuesday 12 January 2016

Today's Work

Today - Lot's to do:

Show me your work on the three stories from last week.
Show me your math from last week.

Write a Children's Story in the style of the book Stuck.
- One or two sentences per page - Sometimes even only one word or no words on each page!
- Really good illustrations in your style.
- Make a cover for your book.
- The book must start with:

It all began when ______ got his ______ stuck in a ______. He/She tried pulling and pulling but it wouldn't come UNSTUCK. The trouble really began when _________________________

- Write your story in rough first, then think very carefully about the creativity of it all. I'll give you good copy paper when you're ready.
- Make your book funny. Think carefully about the word and illustration layout on the page. Think about the size of the font, the style of the font, and the pace of the book.
- No spelling mistakes.
- This is a major writing assignment for the coming report card.

Complete the quiz on Edmodo.

- We're going to try to install Photoshop. We'll see how it works.
-  Log into Office365, go to OneNote Online. Click on the shared workbook, click on your name, and listen to the feedback from your 1812 essay.

Must be done today or it's homework.

Wilbur needs to expand his farm. He needs more storage for his grain. He needs to build more silos. This is what his silos will look like (Notice the flat top):

There are three kinds of silos he can buy:
- Small
- Medium
- Large

The roof of the small silo has an area of 10 square meters.
The roof of the medium silo has an area of 13 square meters.
The roof of the large silo has an area of 15 square meters.

The small silo is 8 meters tall.
The medium silo is 9.5 meters tall.
The large silo is 11 meters tall.

One small silo costs $6500.00 to buy and install.
One medium silo costs $9000.00 to buy and install.
One large silo cost $10500.00 to buy and install.

Wilbur can install as many silos as he needs to.
He really doesn't want to spend any more money than he has to.

He needs  at least 600 cubic meters of storage space. 

Run some numbers, and find an option that works for him.

There's a lot of possibilities. Can you find a cheaper option.