Tuesday 5 April 2016


Lots to do!

Science was excellent today. Lots of good photos on our Flickr Page.

We watched an excellent episode of Dragon's Den today. Ask your child about it. It is Season 8, Episode 7, at about the 20 minute mark. (If you have Netflix)

Spelling Test Today
1. notice
2. nephew
3. niece
4. neighbour
5. occasion
6. original
7. outrageous
8. operate
9. offer
10. potato
11. proof
12. prove
13. parliament
14. present
15  presence
16. prison
17. prisoner
18. principal
19. principle
20. pronunciation

Complete the Edmodo Quiz

Complete the math multiplication sheet.

Work on your business project.

Use a piece of graph paper. Draw a coordinate grid.
Plot the following points and connect the dots
(-11, -16)
(-10, -12)
(-6, -9)
(-5, -5)
(-4, -3)
(-1, -1)
(2, 2)
(4, 4)
(4, 7)
(5, 9)
(7, 10)
(9, 11)
(11, 12)
(11, 15)
(8, 15)
(7, 13)
(6, 11)
(5, 9)


1. Who pays more in tax?
a) The CEO of Apple makes $34 000 000 a year, and pays 73% tax.
b) The CEO of Blackberry makes $19 000 000 a year and pays 57% tax.
c) The CEO of Samsung makes $22 000 000 a year and pays 62% tax.
d) The CEO of Sony make $11 000 000 a year and pay 22% tax.

Bedside each sentence, write ironic or not ironic.
1. A parking ticket attendant gets a parking ticket.
2. A lifeguard falls of a ladder.
3. A lifeguard needs to be rescued when swimming.
4. A ice cream truck breaks down.
5. An ice cream truck sells only vanilla.
6. A tow truck breaks down.
7. At a track and field event, the athlete who trained the most loses the race.
8. At a track and field event , the athlete who trained the most, trips and falls before the finish line.
9. A fisherman dies choking on a piece of fish.
10. A tow truck driver dies choking on a piece of fish.
11. A health food store is shut down due by the town Health Inspector.
12. A restaurant is shut down by the town Health Inspector.
13. You attend a wedding, the bride is late.
14. You attend a wedding. The bride is marrying a millionaire who made his money selling watches. He's late for the wedding.
15. You have a party, no one comes.
16. A man falls off a ladder.
17. A man falls off a ladder. The man's name is Mr. Goodbalance.
18. You have a really good time in the city of Toronto, Ontario.
19. You have a really good time in the city of Boringtown, Ontario.

20. Write 3 or MORE of your own examples of irony.

Examples of Irony are below. Some of them are fantastic.
Mr scardycat likes cats
a divorced teacher gets the custody of his kids taken away and yet here he is responsible for a class of third graders
A family moves to candada to escape tsunamis. The next day there is a tsunami
A guy hates snow and invents the snow maker
The guy who owns New York Times can't tell time
Mr tall is the shortest man in the world
A girl named Ima Cold invents the ac
A man buys a house and puts a sign I front saying "we don't get tornados" the next day there's a tornado and destroys there home
Mr Smasher works in a china shop
The ice cream guy is allergic to ice cream
A man loves hockey but can't skate
A man is given a award for happiest man alive his name is the grinch
A man likes spiders but his last name is Arachnaphobia
His last name is Book but he can't read

Hi all, post your good examples of irony here.